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  • Writer's pictureVerni James

It's Time to Plan for 2023 Business Goals

Start setting goals that matter!

It’s important to set aggressive goals. But setting goals is not just about the dollars. Goals should also be aligned with your business mission and values.

Start setting meaningful and inspiring business goals NOW! And set goals that matter. Make sure they align with your business mission and values.

As an entrepreneur, there are some different types of goals that we should be setting for ourselves and our business. If you’re struggling to plan your monthly, quarterly, and yearly business goals, this post will help YOU!


After this reading this will be you...

Business Goals

🙋‍♂️ Accomplishment Goals

The most important type of goal to set as an entrepreneur is accomplishment goals. What do you want to accomplish each month, each quarter, and each year?

It’s important to set aggressive goals. But setting goals is not just should also be aligned with your business mission and values. As entrepreneurs, we should always be focused on growing and learning. I know, I Do!!!

Example: What do I want to accomplish personally next year?

Monetary Goals

Finally, we have the most common goal type for entrepreneurs, the monetary goal. We should have monetary goals around launches, products, or monthly income, to measure our results.

Example: Even better, we might want to set some non-monetary but growth-related goals, such as:

  • New email subscribers

  • New podcast listeners

  • New members in our free Facebook group

Not just focusing on the dollars but the audience, impact, and growth will help you make better decisions when it comes to what to focus on, what’s working, and what’s not working.

Personal Goals

As entrepreneurs, we should always be focused on growing and learning. What do I want to accomplish personally this month or next year? Some of those will help you move yourself forward and improve your overall skills.

Example: Maybe I want to learn more... or listen to self motivational podcasts on your way home.

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